My 43 year old nephew
a big kid at heart,
embraced life with gusto
right from the start.
His huge grin drew you in
with genuine affection,
his love wrapped around you
without deception.
A beautiful soul
who’d always lend a hand,
no matter how difficult,
he’d be ready to stand
by his loved ones and friends
where his devotion spanned.
Strength belied his slim stature
and his gentleness surprised,
his unconditional kindness
is a trait we admired.
We grieve but should celebrate,
his spirit now full,
for in heaven they will gravitate
to his magnetic pull.
Our family has lost
a precious young man,
in the prime of his life
only his memories remain.
Your soul continues to sing
and will love us even more,
you will always live on
in our hearts where you’re adored.
© Brenda Aksionov 2015
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